Holy Guacamole! What a day?!?!?!? Today was the Creative Impactive Conference at Storm King Art Center and boy did I learn GREAT things!! I met FANTASTIC people and bonded deeper in the community. I’m on cloud 9, exhausted and spinning.
There’s so much to report and reflect on from today and the last 5 weeks of Arts Seminars I’ve been attending. In the coming days I am finalizing my presentation for the Orange County Arts Council and my peers on my sustainable arts practices in Orange County. I am guaranteed $1,000 but I can ask for $5,000 to sustain my practice. It’s a big deal and I’ve been working really hard behind the scenes. BTW did you know I hate to sit for long periods of time? and can someone explain to me that now at 41 it hurts when I get up?!?!? and I’ve been doing loads of computer work- so not my fave.
There are big take aways from today and plenty to follow up on but for now I’m going to go snuggle my kid and try to unwind. I am grateful all the things! My family, home, art, support & community to name a few, Namaste